
3PE anti-corrosion steel pipe means a PE steel pipe with three layers of anti-corrosion. 3pe anti-corrosion steel pipe is a kind of steel pipe with relatively good anti-corrosion properties and is widely used nowadays. What anti-corrosion materials does the structure of 3pe anti-corrosion steel pipes consist of? What are the principles by which 3pe anti-corrosion steel pipes can prevent corrosion?

1. Anti-corrosion of steel pipelines usually uses two main methods: outer coating and cathodic protection.

2. Although most of the surface of steel pipes is covered by coating, a slight leakage will cause an unimaginable corrosion rate, or even holes or cracks. Therefore, in the anti-corrosion of steel pipelines, coating systems, and cathodic protection are usually used together to achieve 100% coverage to avoid unimaginable consequences in the future.

3. Cathodic protection used for anti-corrosion of steel pipelines is divided into sacrificial cathodic protection and impressed current cathodic protection.

4. The purpose of coating for 3pe anti-corrosion steel pipeline anti-corrosion is to form a continuous covering layer of insulating material to directly insulate the metal from the electrolyte in direct contact with it so that the correct electrolytic reaction cannot occur.

5. Discontinuity points during the coating laying process are called leakage points. They are mainly caused by coating, transportation, or installation processes. They may also be caused by coating aging, soil stress, or movement of steel pipes in the soil. Failure to detect damage caused by third parties promptly.

6. Principle of impressed current cathodic protection: By applying an amplitude current to the protective metal, through cathodic polarization, when the potential of all cathode points reaches the open circuit potential of the most active anode point, the corrosion on the structure will stop.

7. Components of impressed current cathodic protection: rectifier and potentiostat

8. Rectifier: Converts alternating current into direct current.

9. 3PE anti-corrosion steel pipe a> Potentiometer: an electronic instrument that can automatically control the constant potential of steel pipes.